
 Steve accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior November 12th 1978. He immediately fell in love with having, for the first time, a confidence in his salvation. His enthusiasm showed itself early in being the catalyst for  a new church plant, desiring to impact peoples lives the way his had been impacted by this new found relationship with Jesus. Later in his walk, he became an elder in a mostly conventional independent local church for 10 years. The fall of 2003 would be marked as a major turning point in his walk with God. Steve experienced personal revival and in that experience, came into a deeper knowledge of God, the Father, and the Holiness He desired us to pursue. His walk was turned upside down. In the midst of that spiritual upheaval he and his family started meeting with another couple “trying” the concept of house churching. By the second meeting he was hooked. Today, he walks this experience out as an elder in a local house church. It is his belief that the house church movement has the handprint of God all over it. To say he is passionate about his involvement would be an understatement! 

Shortly after Dan’s conversion to Christianity the Lord gave him his spiritual mentor and guide, Jim Weeden, who closely discipled him for five years. Through Jim’s teachings, Dan became firmly grounded in the faith and quickly matured in his walk with Christ. When that season of his life was coming to a close, the Lord graciously brought him a new mentor, David Sparkowich, who taught Dan to go hard after hidden areas of sin and to enter into accountability with trusted brothers as a means to this end.
Dan has made scripture reading and memorization a priority in his life. To date he has memorized seven full chapters of the Bible and is continuously involved in one formal Bible study after another, the latest being one he found online.
Because of the way Dan was raised in the Lord, he feels very strongly about rooting out sin and dying to the flesh that we might walk more closely with our God.
In Dan’s free time he enjoys “moving earth” with his tractor, mountain biking and shooting guns with his father and brother.