"Where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them." Matthew 18:20We are a house church who meet in each others' homes and fellowship with one another on the Seacoast of Maine and New Hampshire. We all come from different backgrounds and the traditional model of church, however each seeks to live church in a simpler, more intimate, 24/7 kind of way. House church fulfills the need in us for true Christian community. Each week we meet, break bread, fellowship over a meal then listen to the Word of God while discussing how to apply it to our lives and in our community. By staying in touch throughout the week, helping with each others' needs and burdens, praying for each other and encouraging one another, we practice Galatians 6:2, "Carry each others burdens, and in this way fulfill the law of Christ."
8 years ago